Trichology Services

Trichology Services
Hair Regrowth Treatments

Hair Regrowth Treatments

Your journey towards a fuller head of hair starts at Carolyn Anderson Premier Med Spa.
If you are struggling with hair thinning or balding, let us help you take back your beautiful.

A Multi Therapeutic Approach

The first step in building your treatment plan is a consultation with our certified trichologist.
This meeting will identify the hormonal, nutritional, and inflammatory factors accelerating your hair loss.
From there, we can begin blocking those factors with a mix of in-salon and at-home treatments.

Our Products & Services

Low-Level Light Therapy Sessions
Microneedling Sessions
XTC Hair & Scalp Care Products
XTC Nutritional Supplements
Skin Roller Systems
And More

Carolyn Anderson
Certified Trichologist

Carolyn Anderson has worked in the beauty industry for over two decades and understands the toll that hair loss takes on our mental and emotional health. She has been a certified trichologist since 2021 and continues to expand her knowledge and expertise in this field. Her mission is to support the healing powers of appearance and help you take back you beautiful.

Carolyn Anderson
Certified Trichologist

Carolyn Anderson has worked in the beauty industry for over two decades and understands the toll that hair loss takes on our mental and emotional health. She has been a certified trichologist since 2021 and continues to expand her knowledge and expertise in this field. Her mission is to support the healing powers of appearance and help you take back you beautiful.

Types of Hair Loss

Hair loss has many causes. Learn more about the conditions we can help you overcome.

Traction alopecia is marked by a receding hairline  and caused by a constant pulling or tugging of the hair from extensions, braids, or tight ponytails. This is easily reversed if caught in time and the action causing the hairline to recede is eliminated. Traction alopecia is clearly identified during our consultation appointment.
Marked by a decrease in hair density all over the scalp rather than bald spots. There are many triggers to this such as; Pregnancy and hormonal shifts, Stress, Surgery or Anesthesia, Diet or Nutritional changes/deficiencies, Medications, Low iron or Vitamin D levels, or Chemicals in your current hair regimen. Easily identified during our initial consultation.
Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder. It is marked by sudden hair loss in patches, commonly found around the nape of the neck. Typically brought on by stress and usually discovered approximately three months after a stressful event. Alopecia Areata is often identified during our initial consultation with the aid of our microscope.
This type of hair loss is the non-reversible, permanent destruction of the hair follicle. This can be caused by, but is not limited to; infection of the scalp, Heat or Chemical burns, Trauma, Underlying diseases or birth defect. Referral to a Doctor for confirmative testing and treatment.
Trichotillomania is a mental health disorder marked by the constant and inescapable urge to pull out ones hair. Trichotillomania has it’s triggers but is often brought on by an immensely stressful event, or a depressive episode. Referral to a Mental Health Professional for confirmative testing and treatment.